User’s Guide
FastTask is designed to be used without the mouse, allowing you to quickly activate the application, enter a new reminder, and go back to your current work.
Keyboard Shortcuts
SHIFT-⌘-/Show menu (preferences, support)
RETURNCreate reminder and hide FastTask
ESCClear text and hide FastTask
Entering Tasks
Use the delimiters below to identify a specific reminder component:
!!! Priority Enter at the beginning of the task
[ ] List Name Square brackets around the list name to
change it from Reminders default
## Note Everything after this delimiter is treated
as notes
http(s):// URL URLs are added to notes in
<various> Remind Me Enter a date or time and FastTask will add
alert in
Show QuickstartShow this guide when FastTask launches.
at Launch:ON by default.
Show Task Details: Display reminder components as you type.
ON by default.
Show Dock Icon: Show FastTask icon in MacOS Dock and App
Switcher. Changes to this preference take
effect next time FastTask launches.
ON by default.
Launch at Login:Launch FastTask automatically when you login.
OFF by default.